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Re: SO..........let me get this straight...

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Posted by snakeguy88 on March 22, 2003 at 13:45:54:

In Reply to: SO..........let me get this straight... posted by draybar on March 21, 2003 at 15:44:59:

There is no field collecting forum anymore...this barely even classifies forum at all. What it has become now is a bunch of people nobody has ever seen before coming here asking where the snakes are. It actually used to be a place where people came to share stories and pictures and have a good time. What chris was saying was exactly right though...Guides give you the basic area where the snakes are mostly found, and from there it is tiral and error. What more is there to give after the general habitat? I do not need any more than that personally...If it says fields, I go out to fields and flip trash and boards and logs. If I don't find anything, I go and try a different field or come back to the same one later. Then, when you actually find the snake under a board, you look at the conditions it was found under and try to find another spot that has duplicate ones. And what exactly was this guy looking for other than an exact location? He already had a general habitat and said he was just going to go look where people told him there were milksnakes. It sounds to me like you missed the point. As for people "searching and searching and not finding anything"...well how do you think everybody else in the world finds snakes? There is no magical snakefinder. I have not found kingsnakes yet, but I keep looking. I don't ask people for the exact boards (although I have checked spots with friends where they had found them while making rounds looking for Agkistrodon and Heterodon). And I still haven't found any Lampropeltis. Sometimes that is how they chips fall. What Chris WAS saying was that you don't need to come and ask where to look, just keep looking so then you can say "Wow I found this snake on my own without asking anyone for a surefire place." Because that is it...herping, much like fishing, is part luck and part skill. You have to know the general basics on what is a suitable habitat, but when you are in the suitable habitat and there are a lot of boards, finding a snake is normally luck. You can have perfect condiditions and there may be NOTHING there. In this way, I find asking for help on "where to look"(meaning asking for a location) is comparable to using a fish finder in fishing(which I consider cheating). But that is me. Andy

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