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Re: SO..........let me get this straight...

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Posted by draybar on March 22, 2003 at 16:15:26:

In Reply to: Re: SO..........let me get this straight... posted by snakeguy88 on March 22, 2003 at 13:45:54:

...If it says fields, I go out to fields and flip trash and boards and logs.
It sounds to me like you missed the point.

First off let me say that I personaly have never asked where to find anything. I have been finding reptiles my entire life. Snakes, lizards, turtles, salamanders, frogs and toads.

Now having said that.........It is most obvious to me that YOU have missed the point.
He did not ask for specifics. Go back and read the original post.
HE DID NOT ask for specific locations, he asked for type of habitat and secrets or tips ( such as the Southern facing sides of mountains or hills which was provided by one person).
My point was simple...what is wrong with asking for help. You mean to tell me you have never asked anyone for ideas, help or advise. Truthfully...never? Right.
This is the point I was trying to make. This forum is not only for people to brag about how much smarter they are then everyone else, this forum is also supposed to be a place where people can come for help. It doesn't have to be specific locations just things to look for, tricks such as placing boards in certain types of habitat, things like this. Like you said..A book might say fields so you go look in fields. But why not help someone narrow it down by saying more likely on the edges of fields near wooded areas or streams. Simple things like this.
But don't condemn people for asking.
So, once again I ask this simple question.
Is this forum not here to help?

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