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Re: You are right to a point....

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Posted by draybar on March 22, 2003 at 16:27:04:

In Reply to: You are right to a point.... posted by Jeff Schofield on March 22, 2003 at 15:00:57:

:Field guides do describe habitat and far too often people will be looking for SPOTS instead of areas--spots require "work"in the field. There is never a substitute in trying to help someone find snakes in their own area. I encourage everyone to do the legwork and find your own "spots". Once you do you understand that you dont give em up online. I recently posted that I am to be in Charleston,SC for time enough to do some hunting and what AREAS were worth looking at...say a direction from the city--or a route ##. Yes, I could likely look it up on a map and make several fruitless treks before I would find the area anyway...but this saves time without giving away any secrets. As far as story tellers....most have graduated to another forum for one reason or another. Its too bad because despite whatever greivances there were its not them but the community that will suffer in their absence. Part of the idea for the forums to begin with would have to be differing opinions not the monoculture that its leaning towards. J

See Jeff, this is what I mean. You asked for general areas and possible directions from town without asking exact locations.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with this.
And I don't really recall anyone condemning you for taking shortcuts and not doing your own legwork.
I also saw where you answered with some advise for the original post, here and on the Milk snake forum.
That is what it is all about.
Tying to help without giving your exact favorites spots away.
so simple!
By the way
Considering Milk Snakes are not very common in my area and I have no personal experience in Pa. I chose not to give advise on this subject.

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