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When to handle baby rats??

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Posted by SnowMan on April 16, 2003 at 19:07:09:

Hello, I am holding back 6 of the babies from my last litter, in the hope that 2 of them will be female (just waiting to tell) which I will then keep for breeders. The other four will become feeders. My question is, when can I start to handle the little ones? I don't want the mother to "dis-own" them if she picks up my scent on them. They have opened their eyes in the last few days and have started to walk around, they shoot back to the mother whenever they get a scare though. I want to start handling them so that they become tame breeders later down the track, which makes it much easier for me to clean cages and move them around. If I can handle them now, whats the chance that they will bite? Are the young ones more prone to biting than the adults, and does it hurt?

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