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Posted by cka on May 04, 2003 at 12:48:17:

In Reply to: sadness re: hybrids posted by snakepimp on May 04, 2003 at 10:28:26:

"There are so many immensely stupid people out there that I shudder to think how many bloodlines have been muddied, both in captivity and in the wild, by irresponsible, uninformed ignorant people who have no thought beyond “That looks SO cool"

Care to name some of the many???...There are alot of irresponsible herpers period...Just browse thru any of the forums...there ARE a few responsible herpers breeding some really awesome lookin' hybrids just because, like ya said, they look "Cool"...they make a a real neat twist to anyones collection and they have a beauty and worth as much as any other animal (& no one sez it has to ever be bred) may not agree with hybridization but for some it is a passion, just as locality specific snakes or miami background lavender corns or Cobb Co. grey rats or so on (how 'bout locality Nerodia Sipedon? thats my new one this year lol) are someone elses far as inadvertently muddying bloodlines its just as much the responsibility of the person acquiring a new animal to know as much as possible about an animals background/bloodlines...if it's suspect don't buy it...ever...responsibility is a two way street and (jmho) never completely close your mind to something that is a small part of the bigger hobby/passion we enjoy...peace :*)

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