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corns not wanting to breed, well males anyways,can you help?

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Posted by cornball on April 23, 2003 at 12:39:47:


I am having a little problem with my corns as they are not breeding as according to plan. I had expected that the females might not want to breed but the MALES, c'mon now.
After finding out that my female amel is not a female this year he bred a sbow without a hitch.
But my male ghost and lavender are not in the mood to breed. I'd rather not let the amel do all the work around here but it seems that's what might end up happening. All the females are being reseptive to him as well, but the other males aren't getting in the mood.
I have tried putting them in each others enclosures, I've tried misting the enclosures to raise humidity levels so the pheremones would be denser in the enclosures, I have also tried entering another male into the enclosure in hope the male might see him as a competitor and make him think he better get to it before the new male would but still no go.
These males are first time breeders though, and are not experienced, this is about the only thing I can think why they would not want to breed.
Anyone else have any other ideas that could help me?



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