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Posted by Joel_Fish on May 11, 2003 at 12:07:26:

In Reply to: HOW TO GET AN AGGRESSIVE MALE VEILED OUT? posted by dank7oo on May 10, 2003 at 20:00:34:

The male veileds can certainly develop an attitude!

I've been having really good luck lately using a short stick and coaxing him on to it. He's much more willing to climb onto the stick instead of my hand.

If you collect wood from the wild, you want to get out all of the parasites, fungus, bacteria and sap. So, you should bake it in the oven at 250degrees for about 30 min. (depends on thickness of wood). Another method (thanks to Bigtattoo for this one) is to put the wood in a black garbage bag with a half cup of bleach and shake it up - then leave it in the sun for a day. I've tried this and it works really good, it's just that you need to rinse the wood and let the bleach evaporate until you can smell it anymore. It might take a couple of rinsings and dryings to get the bleach out.

Joel Fish

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