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Posted by eric adrignola on May 11, 2003 at 12:19:23:

In Reply to: HOW TO GET AN AGGRESSIVE MALE VEILED OUT? posted by Joel_Fish on May 11, 2003 at 12:07:26:

Sooner or later, you'll need to take him out without any stick or glove. Using a glove is good practice, but I think the best way to do it is distraction. I've never been bitten by any of my chameleons while trying to take them out...only while they were on my of my males drew blood on the back of my head, right through my hair!
to take him(my veild) out now, I distract him with one hand, while he's focusing on and trying to kill that hand, I move the other one under him, and pull his feet off the branch and onto my hand. I have to be careful now, as my old line of veilds were under 14inches long, this guy is nearing 20, and is vey strong. He's from the Kammers, and is the son of their largest veild, Flash. If you're looking for a large, very nicely colored veild, I'd grab one of them now...adly, I think this may be the last year they are going to have Flash's offspring. Liddy told me he just died, at over 7 years old...
You can get pretty good at picking up chameleons. I've had to medicate my deremensis so much for the past week, I can get him out of his tree with one hand. Man he is really starting to hate me.

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