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Baby jaxs 10 days old...

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Posted by Bill_Strand on April 22, 2003 at 17:10:57:

In Reply to: Baby jaxs 10 days old... posted by gidyen39 on April 22, 2003 at 13:00:29:

Sounds like you are doing pretty good so far! Do you live in an area where you are able to give them unfiltered sunlight? Jacksonii can really benefit from that. And yes, a clutch of babies is the most incredible thing, but they will eat a lot!
Good job!

:M y 10 baby Jackson's chameleons are 10 days old today and I haven't lost a single baby yet!(keep your fingers crossed)This is my first ever clutch of chameleons and I think they are doing very well considering.... I just keep researching info and more info. They are all housed in their own cages. I havent used a basking light for them only uvb.... they seem to like it better cooler. The house gets up to 70-75 f in the day time and drops about 10 degrees in the night time. Does all of this sound ok? I mist them 3 times a day and they are eating me out of house and home! I'm feeding fruit flies and crickets 1/8-1/4 ". Let me know what everyone thinks! Thanks!

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