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Posted by duffy on May 10, 2003 at 11:21:27:

In Reply to: can i feed my yearling corn frogs? posted by kang on May 09, 2003 at 05:13:46:

If they don't know that you have it, does that mean that you have to "hide" it at this point? Does that effect the conditions/care you are able to give it? I guess you really already answered that to some extent in terms of feeding, but what kind of setup are you able to provide for it right now? Wild caught, or did you buy it? How long have you had it, and have you been able to provide it with some food (assuming that you have had it for more than a few days)? Sorry to be so nosey, but just want to make sure that if you have to keep it a secret, you can still provide it with proper care. Good luck. Maybe if it's wc, you could tell your folks, "look what I found...can I keep him?" Or do you already know the answer to that one? Like I said...good luck. Duffy

:okay, thanks. It's just that my parents don't know I have the snake. Imagine my mum's reaction if she opens the freezer and finds the mice *shudder* oh well, I'll figure something out. Thanks for the advice :)


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