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I agree, Andy.

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Posted by snakeguy88 on May 11, 2003 at 12:20:44:

In Reply to: I agree, Andy. posted by duffy on May 11, 2003 at 08:05:40:

I used to be mostly one of the "observers", and I observed for the first 13 years of my life or so. Sure, I would catch a hognose, keep it in the garage for a week (learned my lesson about that...bad idea during the summer), and then release it where I found it. I caught my first cottonmouth somewhere between 8 and 10 when I was in the local creek, and since I am mostly self taught in how to handle the hots, I had to just learn from what I did right and what I did wrong (DISCLAIMER:A BAD IDEA...THIS IS HOW BITES OCCUR). My first "inside" and "true pet" herps were frogs, horned frogs, african bullfrogs, bullfrog tadpoles, budgett's frogs, ect. I got into frogs in hopes of showing the parents I was responsible enough for snakes. Then I caught a great little broad banded water snake, and the rest is history. Still have the little guy. Most of my snakes are wild caught these days. The only snakes I have bought have been my P.c. annectans and Morelia viridis. I have had the little broad banded water for about 4 years or so. I recently have added quite a few herps to my collection ranging from eastern hogs that I hope to breed to patchnose and checkered garters. Take care and happy herping! Andy

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