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I agree, Andy.

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Posted by duffy on May 11, 2003 at 08:05:40:

In Reply to: ?????? posted by snakeguy88 on May 10, 2003 at 23:36:56:

As always, your posts show a wisdom and maturity beyond your years. Which is why you and a couple of the other young folks who post here regularly are taken just as seriously as the old dudes. More so, in many cases, since you seem to have gained plenty of knowledge and experience in a short time. Are most of your snakes wc? Have you had some of them for a long time? Hopefully you can and do set an example for some of the kids (and I use the word with all due respect, since I have kids of my own) who are trying to keep some snakes without the resources to properly care for them. Good luck. Duffy

:IMO, you NEVER, EVER should keep a snake that your parents dont know about. The only reason I do it is because my parents know that I have snakes, they know I catch them and bring them in, and they don't really care as long as there is no stench from the feces. If you parents find it, what will happen? Think about it...Andy

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