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Posted by animantra on April 13, 2003 at 10:07:14:

Hi. I bought my first california kingsnake about a week ago. Everything was great until about a week ago. In his tank I have this big fake branch/root type thing that I had left over from a frog tank I had before. What I didn't think about was the snake going into an opening in the piece...which is just what happened. I didn't think much of it at first, but it's going on 8 days now that hes been in there and I'm starting to get a little worried. Is it normal for a snake to remain in hiding for this long? If this is in fact a problem, is there any way to stir him out? Once he was out I would remove this hiding spot and replace it with one I can get him out of when neccessary. Because right now it's like I don't even have a snake. Also, should I just put his food in anyway? Will he be able to smell it and come out to get it, or should i wait until he finally emerges? I would apprecciate any advice because I'm getting a little frustrated with this situation.

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