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Re: I agree...don't try to force him to come out...give him ...

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Posted by snakeguy88 on April 13, 2003 at 20:09:09:

In Reply to: I agree...don't try to force him to come out...give him ... posted by duffy on April 13, 2003 at 13:19:41:

I have an exactly parallel situation. I keep Nerodia (water snakes...foul but cute little guys lol). I have a 75 gallon tank that I am filling with different blotched watersnakes, two small enough to squeeze into spots where you wouldnt think of them being able to get. I have an aquarium "hide box" that was used for the frogs I used to have (Xenopus) and kept it in there as it made a nice little hide for the snakes. Well it is made of hollowed out plastic with two small holes for air release. I thought the snakes had escaped as I tore the cage apart and it was not until I looked during the middle of the night that I found the snakes coming out of the hole. Quite disconcerting, but it put my mind at ease. They came out to eat the fish I had left for luring the snake out might be a feasible idea. Snakes function like this...when they are full, they pretty much just want to digest their food and after they digest their food completely, they go look for more. Good luck and just give him a little time. Andy

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