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How quickly do Red-tails grow?

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Posted by Bezzerra on March 18, 2003 at 16:03:34:

My husband talked me into getting a red-tailed boa about a month ago. I thought he knew all about them but as it turns out, he's only had interaction with a few that his friends have owned.

I bought the snake when she was 9 months old and a 10 gallon starter tank kit that included mulch, water bowl, light and thermometer.

I am so ticked off at the pet shop for selling me that 10 gallon knowing I would have to upgrade so quickly. In fact, after doing tons of research after-the-fact, the only thing we still use is the thermometer! I've bought all new substrate (outdoor carpet), two different trees, a new water bowl and invested in a hide-a-box that substitutes as a tree. We've upgraded everything and now have her in a 20 Long.

She is about 2 1/2 feet right now. How long do you think it will be before we have to move her to a bigger tank? We live in an apartment right now but are planning on moving in a few years and building her a 4'X 2'X 2' enclosure then. Do I need to re-think this time line? We feed her an adult mouse every 7-10 days.

Thanks in advance for the advice!

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