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Re: slow yes stunt no

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Posted by Bezzerra on March 19, 2003 at 11:00:28:

In Reply to: slow yes stunt no posted by meretseger on March 19, 2003 at 08:43:51:

Good advice. I wasn't aware that it would not affect her adult size.

The pet shop was feeding her adult size mice every ten days and we have only had her for about two months so I figured that feeding her the same size mouse every 7-10 days would not be hurting her or starving her in any way. Plus, I don't want to feed her anything that is much bigger than her body b/c I've heard that that is unhealthy too. I would never keep food away from my snake just to slow her growth. If she is hungry, I will feed her.

But thanks for the suggestion about it not stunting her growth, only slowing it. I hadn't been told that before. :-)

:Snakes will grow slower if you feed them less. I've seen this personally in young snakes, but not on purpose. In fact, sometimes growing slower is better for the snake than growing as fast as they can. This will not, however, affect their evenutal adult size. Feeding them so little that they don't reach their potential is wrong. Also, a very underfed snake will become aggressive.I know this sounds vague, but the actual amount differs from species to species. Maybe you could feed a decent sized meal every two weeks or something like that. None of this is really red-tail specific, I don't have one of those... yet :).

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