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Re: How quickly do Red-tails grow?

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Posted by Bezzerra on March 19, 2003 at 07:53:40:

In Reply to: Re: How quickly do Red-tails grow? posted by repzoo44 on March 18, 2003 at 18:55:52:

Thanks for the fast reply. The reason I ask is because the pet shop had a 2-year-old boa in a 20 gallon long. I'm probably going to get flogged for saying this but I want to slow her rate of growing down a bit. I understand that she will grow to be very big but it is my understanding that there are things I can do to help stunt her growth without hurting her. The pet shop said keeping her in a smaller cage for the first few years (not really small, just a bit smaller than normal-I know that her cage measurements need to equal at least 2/3 of her body) and only feeding her rodents that are the same size as the widest part of her body would help accomplish this.

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