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Re: Breeders at the All New England Reptile Expo the 19th?

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Posted by nathana on April 02, 2003 at 08:52:27:

In Reply to: Breeders at the All New England Reptile Expo the 19th? posted by nategodin on April 01, 2003 at 22:26:03:

Boxies are pretty difficult to breed indoors (I know of only two people doing it, and nobody with long term repeated efforts). This means that living outdoors they are reproducing seasonally, with hatchlings available after a natural laying. In the wild it is possible to find hatchlings in the spring (though boxie hatchlings are next to impossible to find in the wild) from overwintered nests, but no breeder will risk overwintering a nest. The hatchlings are still popular enough to go like hotcakes, so I would not hold much hope to find boxie hatchlings so early in the season unless someone has hibernated their adults indoors, brought them up early, and had a successful mating and laying and hatch already. In two months you'll start to see a slow trickle that will pick up pace through the summer and trickle off again in late fall. With the demand for hatchlings, there are rarely any subadults our yearlings for sale. Since folks have to pay for spots at shows, they are likely not your best place to look right now. Keep an eye open on the classifieds for someone selling personal pets in the mean time.

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