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Re: hatchling availability

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Posted by nathana on April 02, 2003 at 13:27:21:

In Reply to: hatchling availability posted by nategodin on April 02, 2003 at 09:30:10:

Anyone using the words "high yellow" is someone I would run away from and never trust. These crazy terms from other herps are slowly leaking into the turtle world and this one in particular means nothing.

Here's a photo:

This is probably my best looking male eastern, and he is more colorful and in better shape (no damage) than most, but he's not far from typical. Bright coloration is completely normal in male easterns, the strange ones are the ones with less coloring.

You can adopt adult box turtles fairly easily from the places like Buying adults almost invariably means buying wild caught animals.

I wouldn't pay more than 30$ for a box turtle that was an eastern, three-toed, ornate, or gulf coast, wether hatchling, juvenile or adult. Someone trying to get more is just that, trying to get more, they arne't offering you some rare animal if they are claiming it's "high yellow" just trying to add on junk to it to milk more cash from you.

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