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Pillow Moss, Tillandsias, and Acorus...

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Posted by Slaytonp on April 24, 2003 at 09:43:40:

In Reply to: Pillow Moss, Tillandsias, and Acorus... posted by jmorris on April 23, 2003 at 23:59:23:

:I've used the tropical sheet moss you refer to, but don't know if it is also called "pillow moss." It seems to like good light and the more open, airy places in the terrarium. It will die off in the darker, soggy crannies, but is otherwise a nice cover. In my experience, the more shy frogs such as the blue auratus will burrow under it and become difficult to keep track of. It comes in generous healthy sheets and is clean. The first I got was thick, (about 3 inches) with the full depth of roots and the second shipment some months later was sliced off and thinner, which was actually easier to plant and handle. It will re-root if happy.

The Acoris I have also likes light. (It died off in one dark, boggy place). At the bottom of one terrarium where there is plenty of light, even some sun and water collects, it survives, but has grown only slowly.

The gloucous white hairy or powdered Tillandsias, as well as the fat succulent ones are from drier regions and require sun, good air circulation and lower humidity, but some of the others do well on branches or more open areas on the epiphytic media in my large vivarium. However, they all rotted off in the tall, less lighted and very humid terrarium and where the cocos panels stay really wet. It's a matter of location, location. I generally avoid misting them directly.

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