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Rumors of Tillandsia Death Greatly Exaggerated

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Posted by Homer1 on April 24, 2003 at 10:26:07:

In Reply to: Pillow Moss, Tillandsias, and Acorus... posted by Slaytonp on April 24, 2003 at 09:50:30:

Everywhere I have read regarding Tillandsia care has indicated that the silver-gray Tillandsias (of which Spanish moss is included) will die off in high humidity locations. I certainly have not found this to be true if some simple precautions are met.

1) Place them in the upper areas of the terrarium where they are under direct light and not in contact with constantly damp items.

2) Mist Sparingly or utilize a fan. There should be enough air movement to remove any water from them within 4 hours of misting. I mist the Tillandsias (by hand)twice per week, the rest of the tank is misted more frequently. High humidity is not a problem. My tank is routinely at 95-100% humidity with no adverse effect to my 4 different species of Tillandsias (including 3 that would be considered the gray or silver type).

That's it. I find Tillandsias relatively easy to satisfy in my terrarium, but I have a hard time utilizing them aesthetically while meeting their needs. I'm sure that's something I'll figure out with time.

Good luck,

:::Sorry re: the Tillandsias. My answer wasn't for what you asked. I've draped some of the dry usenoides around and use it to tie Tillandsias in place, but no live experience. Patty::



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