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I second everything Homer has just said (N/P).

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Posted by dvknight on April 24, 2003 at 12:05:36:

In Reply to: Rumors of Tillandsia Death Greatly Exaggerated posted by Homer1 on April 24, 2003 at 10:26:07:

:Everywhere I have read regarding Tillandsia care has indicated that the silver-gray Tillandsias (of which Spanish moss is included) will die off in high humidity locations. I certainly have not found this to be true if some simple precautions are met.

:1) Place them in the upper areas of the terrarium where they are under direct light and not in contact with constantly damp items.

:2) Mist Sparingly or utilize a fan. There should be enough air movement to remove any water from them within 4 hours of misting. I mist the Tillandsias (by hand)twice per week, the rest of the tank is misted more frequently. High humidity is not a problem. My tank is routinely at 95-100% humidity with no adverse effect to my 4 different species of Tillandsias (including 3 that would be considered the gray or silver type).

:That's it. I find Tillandsias relatively easy to satisfy in my terrarium, but I have a hard time utilizing them aesthetically while meeting their needs. I'm sure that's something I'll figure out with time.

:Good luck,

::::Sorry re: the Tillandsias. My answer wasn't for what you asked. I've draped some of the dry usenoides around and use it to tie Tillandsias in place, but no live experience. Patty::




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