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Re: Cause of death? (YANN)

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Posted by rowad on April 03, 2003 at 15:26:58:

In Reply to: Re: Cause of death? posted by Yann Horstink on April 03, 2003 at 14:38:22:

:I've never seen an Anolis swallowd there substrate.

I have...when I was using reptisand and the crickets were loose...he swalled a whole gulp of the stuff and I stopped using it.

:Btw for the people that use all types of paper towels, bark and other substrate thats need to be cleaned every week/month...

Yes I was cleaning it every week and yes it was stressful so I switched to Forrest bed and it has not been a problem so far

:You don't need to clean these types of tanks for years (I have tanks standing 7 years and never have be cleaned, only once half refild with new potting soil).

I use Jungle mix in another tank...which is orchid and soil...why is it that it doesn't need to be changed?? Just curious

:MBD in reptiles shows thick leggs, not the body.

The WD's on the other forum had MBD, and the owner showed Xrays and photos...the body was swollen...the limbs (in the xray) were disintergrating (sparse)...the reptile looked healthy otherwise. It was first thought it was an impaction because of the swelling, but it ended up being MBD (the xrays were taken because the owner really thought the swelled abdomen was a sign of impaction). If you want the link I'll look for it...if anything it was very interesting.

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