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We can, but do we need to?

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Posted by WW on January 10, 2003 at 08:20:48:

In Reply to: If the birders can make it work, why can't we?.... posted by chrish on January 09, 2003 at 15:31:18:

Herpetology has always been a far more heavily latinised science than ornithology wth a smaller following. Even the hobbyist magazines routinely use scientific names, much more so than the birder mags. In other words, those who will use the "standardised" common name lists will also be aware of the scientific names, making the standardised list redundant.

Sorry, I am sure these lists are well-intentioned, I just don't see a real need, at least not enough of one to justify the effort being put into these lists.

Just a few thoughts...



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