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Re: What's the problem???

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Posted by WW on January 10, 2003 at 12:45:42:

In Reply to: What's the problem??? posted by chrish on January 10, 2003 at 10:57:58:

No problem - I am not dead against it, i just don't see the point.

:Yes, I am aware that the same thing could be accomplished if everyone used scientific names, but that isn't going to happen.

It worked for dinosaurs - every kid knows what a Tyrannosaurus rex is, and can probably recite a few others as well.

:BTW - One of the flaws with using scientific names, of course, is that there is no "formal" list of accepted names - Charina myriolepis?

And how, exactly, would having a list of standard common names solve that? Instead of having one new name to learn, you end up with two: a common name and a scientific one.

If you want to have a standard list of either common or scientific names, then you have to make and include taxonomic judgements in that list, likeit or not.

I think we'l have to agree to disagree of this one.



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