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Age for a cresty to breed?

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Posted by azteclizard on April 22, 2003 at 22:51:28:

In Reply to: Age for a cresty to breed? posted by EricKlees on April 22, 2003 at 20:03:44:

I respectfully disagree with the breeding ages recomended by the other posters. All my females started to breed between 10-12 months. As with leopard geckos, I assume it is more of a weight issue than it is age. As for giving them a year off of breeding, I would be interested in reading evidence that this increases the geckos life span. Is there information on that available, or is it another opinion? I don't see how a year would make a difference between just giving the gecko a cool down period of a few months.
:Just wondering what everyones take on the age a cresty should be (the female obviously) I would say at least a year. 10 months would be a bit young wouldn't you think or it's ok if they are a good size early?

:Thanks for any input. I am looking at a pair that are 10 months old and the guy says they are are breeding already.


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