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That's what I've been trying to say...

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Posted by azteclizard on April 23, 2003 at 22:17:57:

In Reply to: Ways to skin a cat.... posted by Allen Repashy on April 23, 2003 at 22:10:52:

...but maybe not quite as tactfully as you in this post. That's something I need to work on.

:Hey Mike,

:I also apologize for taking your posts personal. I usually don't go off like that and it is out of my character to do so. I am just having a bad day I guess... I had a trout season opener trip planned for this weekend, and we cancelled today because of the weather.
:Mike, I have read nearly all of your posts on this forum, and you have a lot of great info to share. I have commented on this here in the past. It was just that you were presenting your experience as gospel, and it is not... neither is mine. We both have our opinions, and can agree to disagree on any topic. You just struck a nerve when you said that breeding cresteds at 10 months is irresponsible.
:I am not saying that people need to do it, or even recommending they do, just that it can be done without problems given proper nutrition. There is nothing wrong with recommending that people wait, and like pointed out, it can do more good than bad.
:Mike, a lot of people look to you for answers on here, and you give a lot of good ones. Its just that a lot of newbies might take your opinions as gospel, and not realize that different people have different formulas for success. We are BOTH successful at working with Rhacs, and we both have our own methods... Lets just try and present our opinions as thus, and point out that there is more than one way to skin a cat without saying that others roads to success are not the right way.
:Respectfully, Allen

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