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Posted by BGF on March 12, 2003 at 17:36:11:

In Reply to: Re: PPS posted by WW on March 12, 2003 at 17:14:09:

Good point mate.

Let me clarify: While they are technically venomous, from a practical/legislative point of veiw, I consider them to be non-venomous. The well documented bite is an extreme circumstance where the snake chewed for an extended period of time. So the effects that occured might very well be about the maximum and certainly not a venomous emergency. That said, due to their large size and ferocious feeding response, yes they are not a beginner snake, no more than an aggressive species that can do some significant tissue damage would (ie blood python). In contrast would be the very real venom threat presented by ones such as Psammophis which should be considered venomous from both technical and practical/legislative point of view.

Take care

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