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Travis and rob were collecting Tx corns . . .>

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Posted by chrish on May 14, 2003 at 12:51:07:

In Reply to: Travis and rob were collecting Tx corns . . .> posted by terryp on May 14, 2003 at 08:27:56:

I have probably handled as many TX corns and TX rats as most people. In general, you can pick up a TX Rat off the road and carefully take it over to the side of the road and release it without getting bitten. Hard to do with a TX Corn!

I have caught Black Rats, Gray Rats, Yellow Rats, Greenish Rats, TX Rats, and Everglades Rats. In general, I think there is more variation in temperament within the subspecies than between them. Some of the most docile adult wild rats I have seen were large Black Rats and Gray Rats.

Not only that, TX Rats seem to bite in a rather defensive way. Often they coil up and threaten with their mouths open, but don't actually strike out. The big corns around here suddenly lunge and draw blood. They are just plain mean!

Actually, I currently have a yearling female corn that I found last week and she is pretty much like any wc corn of her size - a little defensive when in a coil, but handleable once picked up. She doesn't struggle much and is quite a nice little snake. Small corns are very uncommon around here. You generally only find them over 3 feet and once they get that size they tend to be spirited! Maybe it's all the big rats they have to overpower to feed their substantial mass!

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