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Posted by patricia sherman on May 10, 2003 at 05:50:12:

In Reply to: Thanks all! posted by Sybella on May 09, 2003 at 22:51:24:

I'm unsure of the classification of Egyptian rats, but they are an Old World species (probably genus Elaphe or genus Spalerosophis).

Corn snakes are New World animals (Pantherophis guttata), and their most closely related rat snake relatives are Pantherophis emoryi and Pantherophis obsoleta ssp.

Pantherophis and Elaphe (and Spalerosophis) are incompatible. It is because of their incompatibility that the genus of the New World rat snakes has been renamed, and IMO that renaming is far past due. Two of the genera that are compatible with Pantherhophis include Pituophis and Lampropeltis.


:I have a pair of egyptian rats and I thought I'd pick up a pretty corn female to see if he likes her...I had heard that corns and rats can mate but then I heard that specifically egyptian rats wouldn't mate with corns. I'm terribly confused by this.

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