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Mandarin rat for thought.

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Posted by DeanAlessandrini on April 30, 2003 at 12:25:39:

Over the past couple years, seems relatively few of these guys have been produced and therefore captive born babies are fetching a pretty hefty price. (which makes sense)
I do not personally keep this species, but I've heard that the captive born snakes do well...but...about 90% of the imports die in captivity. Can anyone shed some light on why this is?
DO they not eat? Parasites?

It would make sense that this is the case since although the cb animals bring $400 per cb baby...wc adults can be ROUTINELY purchased for preety much dirt cheap.

Another question...what the hell is going in with this hobby if importers continue to bring in HUNDREDS of imports if 90% are doomed to die?


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