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fire-belly newt with dwarf frogs and fiddler crabs?

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Posted by joeyjoe on November 12, 2002 at 20:46:55:

Hi, I have a 30 gallon tank set up, nicely set up with ledges and plants (some floating plants and a floating driftwood). It has a power filter and is held at a constant tempature at around 70-75 degress. It currently has 2 goldfish, a pleco, some snails, and 3 ADF's. It's been this set up for about 3 months now and I've decided that the frogs don't really use all of the ledges and above water features of the tank, so I'm considering getting some fiddler crabs and a chinese fire-belly newt. Can these co-habitate with the ADF's? I hear that fiddler crabs won't hurt a fly, but the big claw on the male makes me uneasy so I just might get 2 female crabs instead of one of each. I've heard of people keeping ADF's together with newts, so I'm not sure if I should be worried about that either. Well, I haven't gotten either of those yet and I'm not sure if I will if it's a bad idea. Thanks!

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