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free roaming

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Posted by nate351 on April 14, 2003 at 23:20:13:

In Reply to: Re: just got a skinny scarred ig, need help posted by kg on April 14, 2003 at 22:28:37:

There are a lot of pros and cons about free roaming. check out this site for specifics:

I have two igs who free roam in the lizard room which stays 80 - 85 degrees at all times of day, with several basking spots to raise the temp. Some problems i have had are ig-proofing the room and maintaining proper humidity. Also, I am used to colder weather, so I don't stay in the lizard room for great lengths of time, so they aren't kitten tame. Instead, I have to spend a lot of one on one time with them either out in the house or for short lengths in the warm room. I would never let them free roam the whole house as I am not prepared to ig proof the whole place and keep it 80+ degrees. If you have one room, it is a good option. If not, most people have an uncle or friend who can at least cut a straight line. I built a cage at 14 yo for my first ig, and it was pretty cheap (and not very pretty), but it worked.

anyway, I hope this helps.

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