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Re: lysol!!!

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Posted by joemichaelaz on April 16, 2003 at 18:04:22:

In Reply to: lysol!!! posted by meximullet02 on April 16, 2003 at 17:47:16:

:well whats the warning on the can say? chances are if its bad enough to poison you its bad enough to poison your snake. I not trying to be rude but dont be surprised if your snake dies. it might not but then again it might. next time you get bite a little alcohol in his mouth will do the trick. ok now to you were you playing with a dog, cat, bird or sometype of animal before you went to get your snake out? is your snake about to shed? next time you go to get your snake out make SURE you havent been touching any thing that could be food for it. and you might want to start using a snake hook to take it out.
:again i am sorry if my post sound like im being an a$$hole i understand you were scared. hell, i would to, but as a precaution you might want to leave a bottle of alcohol right beside your cage.
:oh and wash off your snake

Andrew ,

SCARED wasn’t the word... She had my arm and started on my legs..
If my 4 year old wasn’t in the house I don’t know what I could of done.. I tried to get her off with the left hand but the started to wrap around and things were getting really scary...

Now. What type of alcohol?? Rubbing??

Will snakes do this often??

No smells on me. As I said I always spray my arm with disinfectant - in case I have any odors on me...

Mind you she had a hold of me for about 2 min before she let go...


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