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Re: lysol!!!

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Posted by cLove on April 17, 2003 at 03:26:28:

In Reply to: Re: lysol!!! posted by joemichaelaz on April 17, 2003 at 03:06:14:

I was holding a huge boa one time in the same way. The owner of like 10 years said she has never bitten anyone before or even tried. Well, she didn't like something about my arm that her head was dangling next to, so she gave me a little nip. Like I said, I don't make anything of this, other than the fact that you are keeping as a pet an animal that has only been in captivity for a handful of generations. Even dogs are unpredictable sometimes and people had had them for hundreds or thousands of years. I'm just saying expect the unexpected from now on.

Big constrictors around the neck? Not the best practice but I've done it too. You do realize that if a 10 ft burm was already around your neck and decided to give you a squeeze there would be little you could do about it in the 15 seconds you would have before blacking out. As long as you know the risks... Be careful.

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