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Value/demand for Northern Pine x Bull hybrids??

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Posted by Kottonmouth on March 12, 2003 at 23:31:05:

Hi. I believe I have an adult pair of Northern pine/bull hybridsI received in a trade as Southern Pines. They are not southerns. Basically they look like yellow Northerns. The pattern's a combination of the 2 species. They're really cool and would be great if they were an actual Pit species. (Why do people hybridize animals? I hate the thought of it.It ruins the pure species) Anyway, I was planning on breeding them because they're ready but is there even a point, and is it even right to perpetuate more mutts? At the very least for people that are interested in hybrids, are they worth anything? Or maybe I should just keep these poor animals so nobody else can pollute another bloodline. One thing in their favor though, they are really nice looking animals. I'd like to get some pics up soon so you guys can see them and give your opinions but for now, I'd just like to know what you think about reproducing them and their value. Thanks alot.

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