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By the way, I forgot to say...

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Posted by Kottonmouth on March 13, 2003 at 19:44:57:

In Reply to: Re: Value/demand for Northern Pine x Bull hybrids?? posted by Kottonmouth on March 13, 2003 at 19:33:25:

that their heads are shaped like pines, but the markings are more like bulls. They also have the horizontal line between the eyes, like most bull species do.

:Hey Billy, thanks alot for the comments. I have no idea what the heritage of them are because the guy I got them from has no idea. Believe me, I've tried. He traded them to me as Southerns. I knew as soon as I opened the bag, they were not southerns. The only problem is knowing what the hell they actually are. I've had them for almost 4 months now. It's so odd to have animals that you have no clue what species they even are. As far as northerns with the straw color you said about, I've thought of that but their pattern starts out almost exactly like a northern near the neck but halfway down the body, looks like a bull, and near the tail is a combination. Also, the male is YELLOW. They female is more greyish. Which is another reason I think they're hybrids, just showing different traits of both species. And it's obvious they're siblings. I've even asked the guy I got them from if he knew where the guy was from that he got them from (got that?) and he doesn't remember. So I'm totally on my own with figuring out the history of these things. I will get pics posted as soon as I can. I don't have a digital camera so I'm gonna have to take pics and have them put on a disk and then upload them.






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