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Posted by hypobeardies on May 08, 2003 at 20:28:26:

Recently, I got back a VERY NICE (holdback male) I had sold to a person back east. They had put him in with THEIR ADULT MALE LEOPARD GECKO who BIT OFF one of the beardie's front legs. (ALL the way to the ARMPIT), and chomped the other front leg, very badly. The beardie was suffering from infection when he was mailed back to me because they didn't want to "deal with him". Fortunately, they didn't ask for their money back.

Anyway, after an intensive week of antibiotics, he was doing well...but then his OTHER front arm (which was kinked at the top) turned BLACK, dried up like withered leaves and started flaking off.

So, he uses his back legs to "SCOOT" around in the cage and still has a good appetite (I have been hand feeding him chicken baby food) and I built him a special basking ramp, which he uses.

**OH and HE IS ALL ALONE...he can SEE babies his size, but I don't want to stress him more by having cagemates**

My question is, is it cruel to keep him alive? He doesn't act as if he's in too much pain...he's eating (though not on his own) and seems to want to live...

What do you all think? I don't really think I will have the time for a life-long commitment for him and he's really a sweetheart...I wouldn't try to sell him because I am not sure if he'll live, but he'd make a good little pet for someone with the time and devotion to give him....

I'll see if I can post pics soon....

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