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6 dollars?!!!!

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Posted by griffinej5 on May 09, 2003 at 09:56:06:

In Reply to: 6 dollars?!!!! posted by LindsayMarie on May 09, 2003 at 09:41:19:

:Where is your vet? I agree with you, freezing is the worst way.

:When I had to have my poor Ariel put to rest, GodBless her soul. It cost me 145.00. That was for the emergency visit (to see what could be done), putting her to regular sleep first (anesthesia), then injecting her with the chemicals for euthanasia. I did not want her to suffer any pain which is why I wouldnt allow them to just give her the euthanasia shot without being asleep first. I suppose if you brought a dragon in just for that purpose and opted not to get anethesia first then it would be a little cheaper but definitely not 6 dollars here! LM
Well, in total with the vet visit and the euthanasia it was about $47 I believe. The appointment itself was $40 (for her to look at my dragon and say he's dying, which ultimately I knew already). The whole thing was very fast, and took less then 5 minutes. Death in a freezer would probably take much more time then that. I also don't think I woudl want to eat out of a freezer that I had killed my pet in.

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