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Update on "Please help! Injured wild snake!!!!!!!!"

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Posted by CudaMako on March 12, 2003 at 21:53:54:

In Reply to: Re: Please help! Injured wild snake!!!!!!!! posted by Dexter6185 on March 11, 2003 at 10:52:55:

Well, just a little update... Snake is doing well... Has been positively ID'd as a Flat Headed Snake, actually scarfed down 3 baby crickets and now I am waiting on a poop. (story of my life! LOL) His wounds have healed somewhat but two of the more severe spots still look bad. (no open wounds, just bumps sticking up) I thought he may have had a broken back, but it is more likely just serious muscle damage. He (or she), is still haulin butt around the cage and seems to be undanted with the injuries.. If I get a good poop out of him/her afterthe next couple feedings I will let it go somewhere in the yard. By the way, I am vey close to Tupelo Mississippi. Thanks to all for the help, I suppose that some of it may have even saved its life cause my first instinct was to put a dry hide and a wet one without even thinking about the fact that the wet hide would promote infection... who knows, maybe that would have killed it....

Anyhow, I will let y'all know when I let it go.... Thanks again!!!

Scott Goodwin

:::That may well be a good guess, but without knowing where on the planet the snake was found, we really can only guess going on nothing but an incomplete description.

:: ~~Greg~~

:I'm assuming he's in the good ol' USA because of his reference to the south.
:Anyways, the important thing is feeding it, and I think we can safely assume it is a colubrid, and a small one at that, so a diet of inverts seems reasonable.

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