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Baby gecko?

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Posted by kryptojedi on August 08, 2002 at 10:44:32:

I found a small lizard/gecko in our office men's room. It is very small, 1" to 1.5". I has a triangular head and cat eyes. It seems to have a light tan base color with darker tan splotches in no regular pattern that I can discern. The tail is either banded or is a continuation of the splotches, but is darker. The tail looks like it should be longer but perhaps something tried to eat the little guy and only got the tip of the tail. I believe he/she to be young since its skin is almost transparent and it has a rough spot on the tip of the nose (shell tooth?). We are considering keeping it around as sort of a dept pet or releasing it back to our restroom. If it's poisonous, please let us know.

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