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Re: Trimeresurus albolabris

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Posted by SLCT_Rep777 on April 03, 2003 at 22:49:54:

In Reply to: Re: Trimeresurus albolabris posted by tj on April 03, 2003 at 08:04:36:

:I understand that Wyeth's Polyvalent Pit Viper Antivenom (which is available in most US

:> I wouldn't bet on that, there are probably quite a few hospital's that don't carry any AV. In my area (Syracuse, NY), there aren't any hospital's that carry AV, one hospital said that they would have to get AV from the Rosemond Gifford Zoo. Well, they don't carry AV either, so the closest place for AV would probably be 100-150 miles, not far, but not close by any means. Don't assume that most hospital's carry AV, or are even prepared for a snake bite.

I would think most US hospitals that operate in areas were venomous snakes populate, have some amount of antivenom on hand or at least are capable of obtaining it in an emergency. I understand St.Luke's Hospital in Cornwall NY has the antivenom I mentioned. Which is impressive if true, as NY has only a couple venomous sp (Copperhead and Timber Rattler), both which are rare in the wild and very unlikely to come in contact with people.

Anyhow, if your in NY (as I am), your best bet would be Jacobi Medical Center (South Bronx NY). They have a snake bite specialist on hand and as I understand it, work in coordination with the Bronx Zoo, which has most important antivenoms on hand. I have a copy of the snake bite specialist's business card, which I recieved from the indivisual I mentioned, who was bitten by his eyelash viper and treated there.

All venomous keepers should research their possible choices for snake bite treatment, as your as likely to be harmed or killed by an unqualified doctor as you are the bite itself. Look at all the people who have massive scars from doctors who insisted on performing a fasciotomy (I believe that's what its called) on their swollen limbs, even though most experts agree it's not necessary.

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