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Bitis Gabonica Rhinoceros

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Posted by ferretworks on January 18, 2003 at 11:13:12:

I have a male Bitis Gabonica Rhinoceros, approximately 18-24 inches. Currently I have him in a 20L aquarium lined with repti-bark (small chunks).

I keep him in a small room in my house with a Space Heater and Humidifier, to control the climate (damn wisconsin weather). I get some care tips from a guy who has serveral of his own. He recently told me to keep the cage humid, misting every other day or so, keeping the bottom layer moist. That way if he cares to, he can burrow down to the bottom, as they do in the wild (makes sense to me). So, I have been aiming to do that.

Then, just the other day I was told by someone else that this should not be done, as to, if the cage is too moist, the snake can develop soars on his belly. Now, granted the cage is not a swimming pool. But between the humidifier and the misting, the bark does feel moist to the touch.

I do have a "hollow half log hide" (lookes like an upside down U) right under the light. When I mist the cage, he usually squirms till he gets on top of that log, and then he will sit there for awhile, I assume warming himself. So, I mean, there is a place he can go to get off the bark.

I just want to make sure I can give him the best possible habitat, because damn it, he deserves it :)

(I will be upgrading his enclosure within the next serveral months)

His climate ranges from 79 degrees to 90 degrees (night to mid-day), and the humidity ranges from lower 50's to lower 70's.

I am not saying that I prefer ones opinion over the other. I would just like to base my husbandry methods on the average of the whole (the whole being people who sound like they know what they are doing, not people just giving responses to be funny).

I must say, he is one awesome creature, as they all are. An animal that demands and deserves alot of respect.

Thanks fro the input.

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