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Umm Larry

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Posted by Larry D. Fishel on May 11, 2003 at 00:13:57:

In Reply to: Umm Larry posted by Rdean1 on May 10, 2003 at 08:54:48:

:All the cats have their claws and can and are very easliy worked with they are in all cases like " house pets" of course house pets that at any given time turn on you and do alot of damage or worse.

That's basically what I meant. I'm not sure if "easy to work with, but might suddenly kill you even if you do nothing wrong" quite qualifies as "safe".

:What I am trying to say is everyone should be carful what they say here.

I didn't mean to imply that I had any problem with anyone keeping big cats. If I made it sound more dangerous than it is, I apologize.

:In my own opinain A fully loaded big cat is safer then a dog. Look at the stats on how many attacks there are every year from minor to fatal.

18 dog-attack fatalities per year out of 58,000,000! pet dogs in the US. Far more than most people realize, but with about 5000 tigers in captivity, that would equate to a safety record one tiger related death in every 650 years...which sounds unlikely...

Again, not bashing the cats, just your math. :)

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