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Umm Larry

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Posted by Rdean1 on May 10, 2003 at 08:54:48:

In Reply to: Other (pro) Side of the Venomoid Story (kinda long) posted by Larry D. Fishel on May 09, 2003 at 23:59:30:

:First off, people DO keep such animals as pets. The difference is that there are NOT nearly identical HARMLESS animals that they could get instead. I'm not a big fan of declawing bit cats for instance, but it's just not possible to work with them safely otherwise. If lions didn't have claws I'd not look favorably on someone who bought a tiger and had it declawed rather than just buying a lion...

I work with African lions, Tigers, Mountian Lions, and a large variety of reptiles. All the cats have their claws and can and are very easliy worked with they are in all cases like " house pets" of course house pets that at any given time turn on you and do alot of damage or worse.
What I am trying to say is everyone should be carful what they say here. I really do not know where i stand on the Venomoid issue, Have never really thought about it. But as far as big cats not to many real trainers DE-Claw them and they are just as easy to work with. In my own opinain A fully loaded big cat is safer then a dog. Look at the stats on how many attacks there are every year from minor to fatal.
My 2cents

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