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My malis stomach seems inflated??

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Posted by msmmarie on April 29, 2003 at 21:26:35:

In Reply to: My malis stomach seems inflated?? posted by Karu on April 29, 2003 at 19:35:30:

when i first got mira, she had not been handled very much and was very scared about being picked up (i'm sure the sensation of moving up in air like that to be held can be something to get used to) the first few times i picked her up she had 'accidents' too but i talked to her all the time while she was in her cage and fed her by hand and even picked her up in her cage (without taking her all the way out) and after awhile i could pick her up no problems -- to this day though if she is stressed or uncomfortable or mad she will blow her belly up with air (i'm assuming in the wild this makes them look bigger and more intimidating) but the 'accidents' thing i think is a sign of greater stress than blowing their belly up but she has done both so maybe you just need some more time and littler steps to get her used to it =) molly

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