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What should i do with my new gravid mali

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Posted by mike3 on April 24, 2003 at 19:05:26:

I just got some uros on tuesday and one of them was gravid when I got the them. Her tail is starting to get really thin from the eggs and because she isn't eating. The male and female hide all day and if they come out they will run back in there hiding spot when they see me. My main problem is I am not suppose to disturb them for the first week but since she is gravid and nearing the end now, how will I know if she lays the eggs. I have only seen her once since tuesday and all I saw was her head. Will she be ok being gravid and not eating? Her stomach is geting bigger and her tail is getting thinner. Should I disturb her to see if she laid the eggs or should I let her be and hopefully I will find the eggs before they die?

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