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Skinny Tails.. (Ren please read.)

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Posted by MidnightFalcon on April 24, 2003 at 18:11:49:

I went back into Animal House, to check it out again and write down everything that was wrong so when I call I can be prepared to tell them everything, and when I was looking at the two uros in with the iguanas, well.. one of them has an extremely fat body but in comparison, it's tail is tiny. I was just curious if this meant anything. They're in an awfully small cage, it looks like a tall rabbit cage, the bar ones, about 3 feet high and one light so I don't think they're getting the needed heat, would this be a reason?


P.S. Thanks for all the support everyone. Renee, it would really be helpful if you could email me, and tell me what exactly you did.

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