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Re: Beardie vs. Uro...I need some help, please.

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Posted by lytnin on April 18, 2003 at 15:04:29:

In Reply to: Re: Beardie vs. Uro...I need some help, please. posted by georgio on April 18, 2003 at 01:28:17:


I was wondering, how do you keep crickets around? Do you have something that they stay in outside? I would think that you would buy them weekly, but I also know that they can be noisy at night, so I guess that they would stay outside, right? If I were to get a hatchling, do you think it would be hard for me to raise him/her. I know that Uros can sometimes by hard to raise from babies, but I have heard that BD are a little easier except for the cricket thing. I have so many questions...Thanks Peter for answering them!!
Boulder is looking great, I love hearing about his updates! He has kinda become the mascot of this site!

:Hey Julie!

:Boulder says hi and thank you again by the way.

:As far as Beardie vs. Uro I have both so here is what I have found. Uromastyx have more personality than Bearded Dragons both good and bad. My BDs never make a fuss when you pick them up, generally will stay if you want them to stay, and do not seemed stressed by human contact at all. A Uros affection seems more genuine as I sometimes get the feeling my BDs just don't care while my Uros care and decide that it is okay for you to hold them. Uros seem more intelligent and inquisitive but also more feisty and stubborn.

:As far as general pets go BDs have the upper hand. You can hold them whenever you want, they will cuddle up in your hand or under your shirt etc. Personally I would go with a Bearded Dragon since you already own Uros. Both species are unique and I think you can get a lot out of owning each one. The only thing is you have to get used to keeping crickets which can be a pain sometimes (it's not too hard, just harder than keeping greens in the fridge). Have any other specific questions?


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