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Re: Beardie vs. Uro...I need some help, please.

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Posted by lytnin on April 18, 2003 at 18:13:33:

In Reply to: Re: Beardie vs. Uro...I need some help, please. posted by georgio on April 18, 2003 at 17:39:50:

Thanks Peter for replying so quickly! I will probably have some more questions for you over the next 3 weeks or so, and might just email them directly to you instead of posting BD questions on the Uro forum if that's ok. Right now I am just waiting for the new group of hatchlings (and my income tax check) to arrive so that I can get one! Where did you get your's from? I wanted to know some good websites or places to order from that are good quality and moderately priced. I love Pumpkin's color! I either want one that looks like him or perhaps a snow phase. I guess I could post about this on the BD forum, but I value the opinions of the people on the Uro Forum...especially yours. Seeing Pumpkin's pic around the time we were figuring out the Boulder situation is what made me want a Beardie!!
Thank you,

:I keep the crickets in a 20 gallon plastic container outside. I order 1000 at a time which costs around $18 or so and lasts a few weeks. They are not noisy at night unless you get adult crickets but either way, living in FL you could keep them outside year round. Hatchling BD are much easier to raise than Uromastyx. They generally acclimate very quickly. They also grow much faster, reaching their full length in about a year and full size in about 18 months. Any other questions?


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